<I>Vinca minor</i> f. <i>alba</i> 'Gertrude Jekyll'
<I>Vinca minor</i> f. <i>alba</i> 'Gertrude Jekyll'
<I>Vinca minor</i> f. <i>alba</i> 'Gertrude Jekyll'
<I>Vinca minor</i> f. <i>alba</i> 'Gertrude Jekyll'

Vinca minor f. alba 'Gertrude Jekyll'

lesser periwinkle

This compact, evergreen perennial creates a dense carpet of small, dark green leaves, making it an excellent choice for ground...

2 litre pot
In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot
£6.39 £7.99
available to order from spring
3 × 9cm pots
£15.99 £19.99
available to order from spring
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Named Day £10.99

A white star in the deep gloaming - with bigger flowers and greener foliage than typical - lovely among ferns and fresh green and other white spring flowers Val Bourne - Garden Writer

How to control weeds

‘One year's seed is seven year's weed’, or so the saying goes, so the most important thing an organic gardener (and non-organic gardener for that matter) can do is prevent weeds from flowering and setting seed. A horrifying example of this is chickweed,

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March pruning of trees, shrubs and climbers

The following notes can be used as a guide when pruning trees, shrubs and climbers in your garden during the month of March. It's timely advice if you have any of the following in your garden. Abeliophyllum, Artemesia, Brachyglottis, Brunfelsia, Buddleja

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Rich green foliage for autumn

Come the autumn when the flowers may be fading away, and the lipstick-red, sombre-burgundy, orange-peel and mustard-seed foliage is at it's best in the autumn sunshine, green foliage begins to glow, lifting the spirits on the first really cold mornings.

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Winter containers

When the days are at their shortest and the sun is sinking lower day by day a winter container can help to improve your fading garden and raise your spirits. Place it by the main door, or in another prominent but sheltered place, and it will be a beacon o

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Low maintenance plants for a shady garden

We all want a lovely garden but sometimes we are too busy with work and family, or we simply don’t have the inclination to garden incessantly, so the trick is to choose low maintenance plants such as easy shrubs and then to underplant them with ground cov

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