A guide to our bedding & container plants

Written by: Plant Doctor Helen Derrin
Filling gardens large and small with an abundance of colour, container and bedding plants can provide year round opportunity for beautiful displays. In spring and summer these plants are staples of a glitzy garden, and they're perfect for spilling from pots, window boxes and hanging baskets. They also make first-rate additions to the border, quickly filling gaps and providing a non-stop supply of flowers - some of which can be cut for the vase or used to attract pollinators. Through the colder winter months, pansies, primulas and other hardier varieties provide much needed pops of colour.

Found your favourites but not sure which size to choose?
Appealing to all kinds of gardeners, these plants are often supplied in various stages of growth, ranging from young seedlings to fully established plants. Therefore, before making your choice, it's important to consider how much effort you're prepared to put in before you start to reap the rewards. Do you lead a busy life and just want some instant colour, or would you enjoy growing them in your greenhouse until they're large enough to plant?
Here's a breakdown of the different types to help you choose.
Babies of the bedding world, these seed-grown plants are the smallest we offer - and if you buy a pack of 40, you'll get an extra 20 free, so they're terrific value for money. Grown individually in cell trays and approximately 4 - 6 cm tall (from the base of the root to the top of the plant), they're perfect if you've loads of space to fill, or you want to share some with your friends. They're very young plants however (and not fully hardy), so they'll need a high level of care. They're probably best-suited to more experienced gardeners who have their own greenhouse, as they do require frost protection while they're small.
What aftercare do they need?
As soon as your seedlings arrive, you should pot each of them up individually into small (9 cm ⌀) pots filled with a good quality potting mix. They'll need to be protected from frost, and grown on for a month or two before they start developing a well established root ball and lots of leafy top growth. They can then be potted up on the patio or planted out in the garden after all risk of frost has passed.
Jumbo seedlings & rooted cuttings
With a few weeks of extra growth under their belts, these are more advanced and robust than our mini seedlings. Measuring approximately 7-10cm from the base of the rootball to the tip of the plant, they're still a good buy - and they're easier to manage. A versatile option, they can either be potted up, or (weather-permitting) planted straight out in the garden. Use slug and snail protection as their tender leaves are particularly tender.
What aftercare do they need?
If your plants arrive before the last frost, less-hardy types will still need the protection of a greenhouse or cool conservatory, but as they've a better developed rootball, they can be planted up into pots or baskets of your choice - giving them time to settle in and start to spread before they're moved to the garden. Those plants destined for the borders can either be potted up into 9 cm ⌀ pots, or kept well watered in their existing pots for a week or two until planting outside.
Garden-ready pot-grown plants
Grown individually in 9 cm ⌀ or 1-litre pots, these well-rooted, robust plants are the largest in our bedding range. They're great if you're looking for some 'off the shelf' colour, and because they're so well-established, they're very beginner-friendly. Mature enough to be planted out in frost-free conditions, they make excellent, fast-growing gap-fillers in the border - and they'll also create immediately impressive displays on the patio or windowsill.
What aftercare will they need?
Check the hardiness levels of your plants before deciding if they're ready to go outside or not. Those that are fully hardy can be planted out as soon as they arrive, while others may need protection if you're still experiencing overnight frosts. Keep these ones well-watered in a bright, sheltered spot until the weather improves.
As the name suggests, Easyplanters are one of the simplest ways to create colourful and long-lasting displays in pots or hanging baskets. Measuring 30cm in diameter, each pre-planted tray contains a mix of 7 select plants, which will all flourish happily together while putting on a terrific display. Giving you a head-start on the season, the plants are already well established in their trays, so they'll take very little time to settle in. If you're not confident in mixing colours, or if you want fast results with the minimum amount of fuss, these are a clever solution.
What aftercare do they need?
Choose your pot (or basket) and partially fill it with some good quality potting mix. Place the tray on top and gently infill around the sides before giving it a thorough soak. As the plants grow, pinch out the growing tips to encourage even bushier growth.