Deutzia pulchra
Position: full sun or light, dappled shadeSoil: any fertile, moist but well-drained soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: April...
June pruning of trees, shrubs and climbers
June is a time to relax and enjoy your garden, but there are still some early flowering shrubs that will need pruning if they are to produce the best possible displays year after year. A few shrubs can also be trained into unusual and attractive standards
Read full articleEarly-flowering summer shrubs
Many of the earlier-flowering summer shrubs make good partners for shrub roses. They tend to be in the same colour range: sometimes flowering just before and sometimes with the main flush, but often fragrantly. Abelia, Deutzias and Kolkwitzias fall into t
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Summer-flowering shrubs often pre-empt and overlap old-fashioned roses, yet their multi-headed small flowers complement rather than upstage them. Deutzias, shrubs found naturally in the Himalayas and south-east Asia, need fertile soil so often do well nea
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