Climbing Plants

Use climbers to smudge the boundaries of a garden, or cover an eyesore in record time. A range of carefully chosen clematis will offer flowers throughout the year, while ivy provides unbeatable cover throughout the year - even in the shade. Near seating areas, choose climbers with scented flowers like honeysuckles and jasmine. They smell delicious and are fast-growing too.

Quick growing
Ground cover
Parthenocissus quinquefolia

30% off

Parthenocissus quinquefolia

£14.99 - £29.98
9cm pot | 30cm cane shipped within 2 weeks
2 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 + 1 FREE 9cm pots shipped within 2 weeks
Lonicera periclymenum Serotina

Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina'

£14.99 - £29.99
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Madame Julia Correvon

Clematis 'Madame Julia Correvon'

£14.99 - £22.79
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Etoile Rose

Clematis Étoile Rose

3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Clematis tangutica

Clematis tangutica

£14.99 - £29.99
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Nelly Moser

Clematis 'Nelly Moser'

£14.99 - £22.79
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud

Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'

£14.99 - £20.79
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Freda

Clematis 'Freda'

£14.99 - £22.79
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
3 litre pot | 60cm cane available to order from spring
Pileostegia viburnoides

Pileostegia viburnoides

2 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Passiflora Snow Queen

Passiflora 'Snow Queen'

3 litre pot | 60cm cane available to order from spring
Solanum laxum Album

Solanum laxum 'Album'

£14.99 - £27.79
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis alpina

30% off

Clematis alpina

£14.99 - £19.59
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis integrifolia Alba


Clematis integrifolia 'Alba'

2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Clematis integrifolia

Clematis integrifolia

3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Clematis cirrhosa Ourika Valley

Clematis cirrhosa 'Ourika Valley'

£14.99 - £32.99
3 litre pot | 60cm cane shipped within 2 weeks
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Christmas Surprise

30% off

Clematis 'Christmas Surprise'

£14.99 - £23.09
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Lonicera japonica Dart's World

Lonicera japonica 'Dart's World'

3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Clematis Pernille ('Zo09113') (PBR)

Clematis Pernille ('Zo09113') (PBR)

2 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)

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