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<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>burkwoodii</i>
<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>burkwoodii</i>
<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>burkwoodii</i>
<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>burkwoodii</i>
<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>burkwoodii</i>
<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>burkwoodii</i>
<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>burkwoodii</i>
<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>burkwoodii</i>

Osmanthus × burkwoodii

This popular, rounded, evergreen shrub has glossy, finely toothed, dark green leaves beautifully offset by highly scented, jasmine like, white flowers...

2 litre pot
available to order from autumn
10 litre pot | 60 - 100cm tall
available to order from autumn
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Standard £5.99

An evergreen saved from ignominy by pure heads of sweetly fragrant white flowers in mid spring - good at lighting up a semi-shady corner behind ferns or glimmering white narcissi Val Bourne - Garden Writer

How to create a wildlife-friendly garden

Wildlife-friendly gardens are not only more interesting as you can watch all the comings and goings, but they are often more productive as many creatures will help increase pollination. Garden ponds act as a magnet to dragonflies and damsel flies, along w

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Make the most of over 3000 years of gardening tradition by creating an oriental-style garden. Originally designed as a place for intellectual contemplation and meditation, they are an ideal sanctuary from the pressures of modern living. Japanese gardens a

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April pruning of trees, shrubs and

Many shrubs, trees and climbers are showing signs of growth, so it is an ideal time to check them over for winter damage. If you feel they need a little care and attention, here are a few notes to use as a pruning guide. during April.

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