20% off

<i>Lamium maculatum</i> 'Beacon Silver'

20% off

<i>Lamium maculatum</i> 'Beacon Silver'

20% off

<i>Lamium maculatum</i> 'Beacon Silver'
<i>Lamium maculatum</i> 'Beacon Silver'
<i>Lamium maculatum</i> 'Beacon Silver'
<i>Lamium maculatum</i> 'Beacon Silver'

Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'

Delicate silver leaves, narrowly edged in green give this lamium an ethereal quality. It quickly forms a silvery carpet of foliage with...

9cm pot
£5.59 £6.99
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3 × 9cm pots
£13.59 £16.99
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Standard £5.99

Named Day £10.99

The purple-pink flowers are nothing, but the mound of crisp silver leaves margined in green in winter make this highly desirable - trim back in autumn for maximum effect Val Bourne - Garden Writer

How to get more flowers

How to get more flowers

Many flowering plants can be encouraged to produce better and longer-lasting displays with the minimum of effort. A plant produces flowers in order to reproduce and ensure the survival of the species. Once a plant has flowered and fertilisation has taken

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The Chelsea Chop (and other methods of extending the flowering season)

Many gardeners who are happy, even gung-ho, with the secateurs when pruning shrubs and climbers are surprisingly reluctant to take the shears to herbaceous perennials. Maybe this is because it just doesn't seem quite right to be cutting back all that new

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Low maintenance plants for a sunny garden

We all want a lovely garden but sometimes we are too busy with work and family, or we simply don’t have the inclination to garden incessantly, so the trick is to choose low maintenance plants such as easy shrubs and then to underplant them with ground cov

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