Astilbe 'Bressingham Beauty' (× arendsii)
false goatsbeard
Delicate, feathery, vivid pink plumes appear in midsummer above serrated, bronze-tinted, mid-green leaves. This astilbe is one of the taller varieties....
Deep-purple conical flower heads and bronze foliage make this tall astilbe a vibrant choice for moist soil especially with large yellow and orange ligularias
Water garden
Who can resist the allure of water in the garden? The gentle gurgle of a running stream creates a sense of calm and tranquillity, while a simple pond makes a focal point with magnetic appeal. You can create lush and natural-looking planting to show off th
Read full articleJapanese maples
Japanese maples make elegant focal points in a garden and seen in their full glory of autumn colour are absolutely breathtaking. They mix well with brilliant autumn-berries, picking up reds and oranges all around the garden. Although many species of maple
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