


Dark brown/black scabby blotches appear on the fruit and leaves. In severe cases the fruit can be almost totally covered in scabby patches and may be misshapen. Infected fruits may split or crack and become infected with secondary organisms such as brown rot. Affected leaves can fall early.


A fungus that overwinters on scabby patches on the stems and infected leaves. It is spread by rain-splash and wind. In the spring the spores are released into the air and are carried by the wind into trees.


Although unsightly, this disease only affects the skin of the fruit, which are still edible once peeled. The foliage damage is more serious, causing leaf fall and reduced vigour and crops in future years.


Choose cultivars that are resistant to scab. When planting, avoid damp, stagnant sites which will encourage the disease. Prune out all infected branches during the winter. Rake up and dispose of affected leaves as they fall.

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