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The Reflective Garden designed by Clare Agnew

The Reflective Garden
designed by Clare Agnew

    2008   |  
  • Silver-gilt medal

Although geometric in plan and structure, Clare’s design was inspired by nature.

Tall structural trees and flowering plants were in huge contrast to cool, still, reflective pools and horizontal groundcover.

The garden was bounded by Carpinus hedging and bamboo screening and within it there was an eye-catching vista along the back length. Pleached Carpinus, roof-shaped Platanus and Cornus controversa surrounded and overhung three still dark pools, providing both shelter and structure for contemplation and relaxation.

The planting was leafy and textural, with tall early flowering plants and grasses reflecting in the water. Flowers were mainly creamy whites with a touch of warmth thrown in, planted in bold clumps and drifts. Strap-like leaves of bamboo and grasses rustled in the breeze with bold use of Calamagrostris and Buxus cubes.

The Reflective Garden
The Reflective Garden
The Reflective Garden
The Reflective Garden
The Reflective Garden
The Reflective Garden
The Reflective Garden
The Reflective Garden


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