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The Mind Garden
The Mind Garden

The Mind Garden
by Andy Sturgeon


This year marks our 34th RHS Chelsea Flower Show Garden. The garden, designed by Andy Sturgeon for the mental health charity Mind, reminds us of the importance of speaking to others when we are struggling and the refuge nature can provide. We grew 200 different varieties of plants for the garden and it is a masterpiece in both planting and spatial design that is not to be missed.

The Mind Garden
The Mind Garden
The Mind Garden
The Mind Garden
The Mind Garden
The Mind Garden
The Mind Garden

The garden starts with a gravel path, which leads through generous swathes of meadow planting mixing where perennials and bulbs mix with grasses. Gladiolus communis subsp. byzantinum, Thalictrum 'Elin' and Stipa gigantea all combine to create a bright but uplifting atmosphere.

Inspired by petals tossed to the ground a series of curved walls cascade through the garden. At times the walls come close together providing a brilliant backdrop for the plants, at others they open out again to create framed views of the garden.

As the path leads on architectural plants of Aralias, Disporums and Polemoniums replace the soft, billowing textures of the meadow and the planting moves to that reminiscent of a woodland edge.

At the very top of the garden is a seating area where wind-blown oak benches carved from a single fallen tree invite you to sit and take a moment to pause. Water gently pours from clay spouts into tranquil pools and Betula pendula casts shadows and dappled light. The garden is a sanctuary and we hope you get the chance to visit. For the full plant list, download our free gardening app Iris.


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