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Aluminium coldframe
Aluminium coldframe

Aluminium coldframe

Suitable for placing on soil, gravel or concrete patios, this sturdy coldframe is designed for exceptional stability even in very high winds.Made...

L121 × W21 × H82cm
shipped within 2 Weeks
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Buying vegetable plants

If you just want to grow a few vegetables or have suffered losses with early sowings, buying plants is a great way to play catch-up. Buying plants also allows you to grow vegetables if you do not have the facilities to raise them from seed yourself or whe

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Sow hardy annuals

Hardy annuals, such as clarkia, godetia and poppies, should be sown now either in prepared seedbed outside or in trays in a coldframe. If sowing in trays, sow thinly and prick out into pots filled with multi-purpose compost as soon as they are large en

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Planting bedding

The secret to success when planting tender young bedding plants is to plant them at the right stage of development into well-prepared soil so that they don't suffer a check in growth. Always plant tender bedding after the last expected frost date in your

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Hardening off new plants

Move plants to a coldframe about two or three weeks before you intend to plant them out. Hardy plants such as spring bedding can be moved out to the coldframe as soon as they are large enough. Tougher summer bedding plants, such as alyssum, can be moved o

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