Geum 'Mrs J. Bradshaw'
A popular variety, with a long flowering season and semi-double, vivid scarlet flowers that appear from June to August among rosettes of...
Frilly bright-red flowers in abundance in midsummer - divide and conquer regularly to keep this scarlet woman happy
How to get more flowers
Many flowering plants can be encouraged to produce better and longer-lasting displays with the minimum of effort. A plant produces flowers in order to reproduce and ensure the survival of the species. Once a plant has flowered and fertilisation has taken
Read full articleEuphorbias
Hardy euphorbias, commonly known as spurges, make ideal plants for any gardener who rates themself as ‘keen but clueless’, yet a little bit adventurous. First and foremost they are excellent garden plants that can be used in the border and in containers,
Read full articleLong flowering plants for your garden
When choosing plants for your garden you want some ‘core plants’, ones that will that offer weeks of flower, not just a few fleeting days. These stalwarts help balance out those ephemeral poppies, the plants with the tissue-paper petals that drop within a
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