Clematis montana

Clematis montana var. montana
Clematis montana var. montana
£14.99 - £20.75
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis montana var. rubens Pink Perfection
Clematis montana var. rubens 'Pink Perfection'
£14.99 - £20.75
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis montana var. grandiflora
Clematis montana var. grandiflora
£14.99 - £20.75
2 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Freda
Clematis 'Freda'
£14.99 - £22.75
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Broughton Star
Clematis 'Broughton Star'
£14.99 - £24.49
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Elizabeth
Clematis 'Elizabeth'
£14.99 - £22.75
9cm pot | 30cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis Mayleen
Clematis 'Mayleen'
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis montana var. rubens Tetrarose
Clematis montana var. rubens 'Tetrarose'
£14.99 - £22.75
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Spring Joy ('Zo12053') (PBR)


Clematis Spring Joy ('Zo12053') (PBR)
2 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis Marjorie
Clematis 'Marjorie'
£14.99 - £20.75
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis montana var. wilsonii
Clematis montana var. wilsonii
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis Miss Christine
Clematis 'Miss Christine'
3 litre pot | 60cm cane available to order from spring
Clematis Prosperity


Clematis 'Prosperity'
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis Warwickshire Rose
Clematis 'Warwickshire Rose'
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis Fragrant Spring
Clematis 'Fragrant Spring'
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis Starlet White Perfume ('HYFLET') (PBR)


Clematis Starlet White Perfume ('Hyflet') (PBR)
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis Van Gogh


Clematis 'Van Gogh'
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis montana Rosebud
Clematis montana 'Rosebud'
2 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Clematis montana var. rubens Rubens Superba


Clematis montana var. rubens 'Rubens Superba'
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)

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