<i>Cistus</i> × <i>purpureus</i> 'Alan Fradd'
<i>Cistus</i> × <i>purpureus</i> 'Alan Fradd'

Cistus × purpureus 'Alan Fradd'

Cistus originate from dry, rocky parts of the Mediterranean and Canary Islands, and so are drought-tolerant and low...

2 litre pot
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7.5 litre pot
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As tempting as a choc ice on a hot afternoon, a long-flowering white cistus with a chocolate-red blotch in the centre of every flower Val Bourne - Garden Writer


Mediterranean gardens can take on various guises from the rustic and rambling to the formal elegance of an Italian courtyard. However, they all have key features in common, including the use of exotic, sometimes tender, drought-tolerant plants in pots and

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Gardening by the coast offers specific challenges and opportunities. You can take advantage of the mild climate to grow not-so-hardy plants with confidence, but will have to choose them carefully to ensure they can cope with the buffeting winds and salt-

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April pruning of trees, shrubs and

Many shrubs, trees and climbers are showing signs of growth, so it is an ideal time to check them over for winter damage. If you feel they need a little care and attention, here are a few notes to use as a pruning guide. during April.

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