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Fragrant shrubs

Certain shrubs flower with the roses and Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' has a citrus scent. The white flowers have a subtle maroon splash that picks up the colour of pink and purple-pink roses and this compact shrub will only reach man-height. The hint of colour prevents this philadelphus from looking glacial in summer sun as well. Trim back one third of the old wood after flowering, to encourage a good shape. Other philadelphus are either too tall, or too small. This is a Goldilocks' plant and just right!

Several of the smaller-flowered lilacs are also very scented and the scent hovers between lily and rose. Syringa meyeri 'Palibin', a form of Korean lilac, has lavender-pink flowers above green foliage. This tolerant shrub is extremely hardy and flowers reliably, whether in full sun or in slight shade, and the neat foliage is good enough to shine for the rest of the year before colouring up well in autumn. It's slow growing, so an ideal plant for a small garden, or large container, and the scent is all-pervading.

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