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Crocus combinations - Yellow & gold plant combination

Crocus combinations

Yellow & gold plant combination

The fragrant, lily-like flowers of the daylily are complemented nicely by the silver-grey foliage and acid yellow flowers of the spurge, while the flattened, burnt orange flowerheads of the yarrow and the strappy foliage and arching sprays of the montbretia add structural interest.

Planting tips: When working with spurges always wear gloves as the milky sap is poisonous and a potential skin irritant. The crowns of the montbretia should be protected during the winter with a dry mulch.

You will need a sunny border measuring 2 x 1.5m.

Buy all 23 items for the combination Yellow & gold plant combination combination

Total: £187.77

Availability: In stock (shipped within 3-5 working days)

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