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Crocus combinations - Shady clay plant combination

Crocus combinations

Shady clay plant combination

This long lasting combination will provide a touch of colour to a partially shaded border in spring and then from mid summer to autumn. The piercing blue spring flowers of the groundcovering lungwort are truly striking. When these have died down, they are followed by a stunning combination of the yellow St. John's wort and the arching sprays of orange montbretia.
Planting tips: Resist removing the faded foliage of the Crocosmia in autumn and cover the crown of the plant with bracken or bark chips to protect the plant against frost damage. Lift and divide congested colonies of this and the Pulmonaria in spring. If the Pulmonaria is affected by mildew, then cut the plants back to the ground, water and feed and they will regenerate and produce new leaves later in the year. As for the Hypericum, after flowering lightly trim back shoots that spoil the symmetry of the plant and apply a generous 5-7cm mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant.
You will need a shady border measuring 2m x 1.5m.
Buy all 19 items for the combination Shady clay plant combination combination

Total: £201.81

Availability: shipped within 2 weeks

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