Agapanthus africanus 'Albus'
African lily
A wonderful white form of African lily, with globes of trumpet-shaped flowers from July to September. This bold perennial provides a...
Classy, clean-white flowers set against bright-green leaves are a cool elegant combination in lily pots or in the ground
Mediterranean gardens can take on various guises from the rustic and rambling to the formal elegance of an Italian courtyard. However, they all have key features in common, including the use of exotic, sometimes tender, drought-tolerant plants in pots and
Read full articleDaylily

These lovely plants produce a succession of lily-like flowers each of which lasts for just one day. At first, this seems rather disappointing, but they are such bright, exotic flowers and produced in such profusion that this isn't actually a drawback. In
Read full articleAfrican Lily

Agapanthus, commonly called the African lily, produce glorious clusters of lily-like blooms that last throughout the summer. These clusters, made up of lots of bell-shaped flowers, can be globe-shaped or pendular, held aloft on vertical stems that can rea
Read full articleAgapanthus for vertical interest
Add some vertical presence by planting an Agapanthus. Agapanthus 'Black Pantha is a deep-blue that emerges from black buds. Agapanthus 'Megans Mauve' is a subtle gloaming shade that shines in evening light.
Read full articleFlowers for the cutting garden
At some stage in June, your garden will be a glorious affair full of scent and soft flower. Placing a posy from the garden, close to a family hub like the kitchen table, unites your home and garden as effectively as having a huge picture window. You don’t
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