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Ready-made borders - Gravel garden

Ready-made borders

Gravel garden

Growing in gravel not only shows off the plants to best advantage, but it helps prevent weeds as well as conserve moisture around the roots. The plants also benefit from a cool root run in summer. In this pink and purple gravel border combination, sturdy spikes of deliciously fragrant hesperis flowers combine with hazy stems of graceful star-shaped gaura flowers during late spring. They are joined, in June, by dense clusters of saucer-shaped, violet-blue hardy geranium blooms over a carpet of small pink-tinged, daisy-like erigeron flowers. By July, dainty single mauve dianthus flowers and slender spires of pink veronicastrum steal the show.

Planting tip: When planting drought-tolerant plants in very well-drained soil, it is essential to keep them well watered until established. Positioning a short pipe alongside the rootball in the planting hole will enable you to direct the water straight to the roots without waste. This design will fit into a border 3m long by 1.5m wide

Buy all 7 items for the border Gravel garden border

Total: £66.93

Availability: In stock (shipped within 3-5 working days) Please note some items are unavailable

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