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Crocus combinations - Less is more plant combination

Crocus combinations

Less is more plant combination

This border is very simple but effective. The black bamboo increases slowly to form a dramatic backdrop without becoming too invasive. The yellow-green flowering wood spurge will spread in front and across the bamboo stems while sandwiched in between, the Japanese windflower generously produces masses of long lasting white flowers.

Planting tips: After flowering remove the faded flower-heads of the spurge, but always wear gloves when working with them as the milky sap is poisonous and a potential skin irritant. They are also prolific self seeders, so remove unwanted seedlings each spring as part of routine maintenance. Keep the flowering stems of the Japanese windflower until late winter as they are incredibly sturdy and after producing fluffy, cotton ball-like, seed heads they will wave and rattle in the wind like long, thin drumsticks.
You will need a shady border measuring 6m x 4m.

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Total: £137.86

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