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Crocus combinations - Iris Alida and pot combination

Crocus combinations

Iris Alida and pot combination

  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: well-drained, moderately fertile, neutral to slightly alkaline soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: January to February
  • Hardiness: fully hardy
  • Bulb size: 5/7
  • Pot: Terracotta arc pot

    A collection of striking mid-blue, dwarf Iris bulbs with sunny splashes of butter-yellow on each fall. ‘Alida’ has proved a reliable and strong grower in Gardening ‘Which?’ Magazine trials, providing an intense burst of colour which quickly produce offsets that multiply year on year.
    Offered here with the planter imaged and described.

  • Garden care: Plant bulbs as soon as possible after delivery, 7cm (3") deep in the planter provided using a John Innes no.2 with added grit, or a specialist bulb compost. Keep in a sunny position and water moderately while they are actively growing, keeping them reasonably dry during their summer
Buy all 3 items for the combination Iris Alida and pot combination combination

Total: £94.57

Availability: Delivered September onwards

Items included (click on thumbnail for more info)

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