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<i>Oenothera lindheimeri</i>

20% off

<i>Oenothera lindheimeri</i>

20% off

<i>Oenothera lindheimeri</i>
<i>Oenothera lindheimeri</i>
<i>Oenothera lindheimeri</i>
<i>Oenothera lindheimeri</i>

Oenothera lindheimeri

gaura ( syn. Gaura lindheimeri )

A graceful, hazy plant with airy spikes of white, star-shaped flowers with long anthers like daddy long-legs, held on slender stems from...

3 × 9cm pots
£15.99 £19.99
In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
9cm pot
£7.19 £8.99
In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
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Standard £5.99

Named Day £10.99


Indulge a passion for ornamental grasses by creating a prairie- or meadow-style garden. They can be richly planted with native wildflowers or a selection of complementary perennials and self-seeding annuals to create a naturalistic planting effect.

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Hardy geraniums

Hardy geraniums, commonly called cranesbills, are the stalwarts of a garden – they grow without fuss and bother, they flower reliably and without the gaudy excess of other garden prima donnas. For this reason, they are often overlooked as things of intere

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