<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>
<i>Lunaria annua</i>

Lunaria annua

White to lilac summer flowers are followed by translucent, flattened seed heads. These will remain on the plant well into autumn,...

approx 75 seeds
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How to encourage beneficial insects

How to encourage beneficial insects

All garden pests have natural enemies. The trick is to encourage these beneficial insects and other creatures to take up residence in your garden so that they can do the pest management for you. The most effective way to do this is to provide the conditio

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