<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> 'Album'
<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> 'Album'
<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> 'Album'
<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> 'Album'
<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> 'Album'
<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> 'Album'

Geranium sanguineum 'Album'

bloody cranesbill

This pretty cranesbill is smothered with pure white, cup shaped flowers from May though to June. Thriving in full sun or partial...

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An invaluable, classic pure-white geranium with dark-green foliage that is happy in hot, dry shade and still keeps its cool persona Val Bourne - Garden Writer

How to get more flowers

How to get more flowers

Many flowering plants can be encouraged to produce better and longer-lasting displays with the minimum of effort. A plant produces flowers in order to reproduce and ensure the survival of the species. Once a plant has flowered and fertilisation has taken

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Mediterranean gardens can take on various guises from the rustic and rambling to the formal elegance of an Italian courtyard. However, they all have key features in common, including the use of exotic, sometimes tender, drought-tolerant plants in pots and

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Get more flowers

Deadheading will prevent them setting seed and so use their energy producing a further flush of blooms later on. Plants that respond well to deadheading include annuals such as Ageratum, Alyssum, Antirrhinum, Calendula, Centaurea, Cosmos, Dahlia, foxglove

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The Chelsea Chop (and other methods of extending the flowering season)

Many gardeners who are happy, even gung-ho, with the secateurs when pruning shrubs and climbers are surprisingly reluctant to take the shears to herbaceous perennials. Maybe this is because it just doesn't seem quite right to be cutting back all that new

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Planting companions for roses

Early flowering roses tend to come in shades of white, pink or purple-pink and most forms of the biennial foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, have toning flowers in similar colours. These appear in rose time, but carry on after the first rose flush has finished

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Small and perfectly formed

One of the major players in our gardens is the hardy geranium with its gaping, saucer-shaped flowers heavily veined in order to guide the thirsty bee to the vital nectar and pollen. There are varieties galore and it’s quite possible to have hardy geranium

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