Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
Arching sprays of bold, tomato-red, funnel-shaped flowers appear in August and September among handsome, pleated, mid-green leaves. This...
Pleated bright-green leaves and warm-red branching trumpets make ‘Lucifer’ an essential tall, early-flowering crocosmia - sets any garden alight
Gardening by the coast offers specific challenges and opportunities. You can take advantage of the mild climate to grow not-so-hardy plants with confidence, but will have to choose them carefully to ensure they can cope with the buffeting winds and salt-
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These lovely plants produce a succession of lily-like flowers each of which lasts for just one day. At first, this seems rather disappointing, but they are such bright, exotic flowers and produced in such profusion that this isn't actually a drawback. In
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Cordylines are tufted evergreen shrubs that originate from Southeast Asia and the Pacific rim, where they mature to form awkwardly shaped stubby trees with tufts of spiky leaves that resemble huge pineapple tops at the end of each branch. In this country
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If rabbits, deer, squirrels or cats devour or scratch up your plants these wire mesh protectors will give them time to get established. The pyramid-shaped 'Rabbit Proof Cloche' and dome-shaped 'Squirrel Proof Cloche'
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When we are all, hopefully, enjoying the hotter more humid days in July and the longer evenings there is a different range of plants that come into their own in our gardens, ones found naturally close to the equator or in the upper reaches of the Souther
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