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Freesia bulbs

Freesia Blue Moon

Freesia 'Blue Moon'

£8.99 - £22.00
20 × corms available to order from autumn
60 × corms available to order from autumn
Freesia White

Freesia 'White'

£8.99 - £22.00
20 × corms available to order from autumn
60 × corms available to order from autumn
Freesia Golden Yellow

Freesia 'Golden Yellow'

£8.99 - £22.00
20 × corms available to order from autumn
60 × corms available to order from autumn
Freesia single flowering mixed

Freesia single-flowering mixed

£6.99 - £19.00
20 × bulbs available to order from autumn
60 × bulbs available to order from autumn
Freesia double flowering mixed

Freesia double-flowering mixed

£6.99 - £19.00
20 × bulbs available to order from autumn
60 × bulbs available to order from autumn
Freesia collection

Fragrant freesia collection

£26.95 - £53.90
1 × collection | 60 bulbs available to order from autumn
2 + 1 FREE collections | 180 corms available to order from autumn

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