Begonia 'Red Glory'
begonia tuber
Glossy, heart-shaped, dark green leaves clothe the lax, somewhat succulent stems of this showy perennial, acting as a...
How to plant bulbs
Bulbs are ideal for anyone who rates themselves as 'keen-but-clueless' because they are one of the easiest plants to grow. Provided you plant them at the right time of year at more or less the right depth, they will reward you year after year with a rel
Read full articleHow to overwinter tender perennials
Tender perennials, such as pelargoniums, fuchsias, osteospermums and marguerites look great all summer, but unless they are given protection from the harsh winter weather, they will need to be replaced each spring. If you can do this, they will last for y
Read full articleSimple but stylish protection
If rabbits, deer, squirrels or cats devour or scratch up your plants these wire mesh protectors will give them time to get established. The pyramid-shaped 'Rabbit Proof Cloche' and dome-shaped 'Squirrel Proof Cloche'
Read full articlePosh bedding
There is still plenty of time to raise hardier annuals from seeds sown now and these include cosmos, zinnias and marigolds. However it's often easier to opt for ready-grown plugs of these, as well as the more-tender begonias petunias, antirrhinums and ni
Read full articleOverwintering dahlias, cannas and begonias
You can never quite predict how severe our winter weather will be, but you don't need a crystal ball to know that some plants will need protection or lifting and storing to survive a winter.
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