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Crocus combinations - Iris Alida and pot combination

Crocus combinations

Iris Alida and pot combination

  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: well-drained, moderately fertile, neutral to slightly alkaline soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: January to February
  • Hardiness: fully hardy
  • Bulb size: 5/7
  • Pot: Sphere planter with stand

    This collection contains 50 x Iris 'Alida' bulbs and 1 x Sphere planter with stand.

    ‘Alida’ has proved a reliable and strong grower in Gardening ‘Which?’ Magazine trials, providing an intense burst of colour which quickly produce offsets that multiply year on year. Their striking mid-blue flowers have a sunny splash of butter-yellow on each fall - and they make a very welcome sight in late winter.

  • Garden care: Plant bulbs as soon as possible after delivery, 7cm (3") deep in the planter provided using a John Innes no.2 with added grit, or a specialist bulb compost. Keep in a sunny position and water moderately while they are actively growing, keeping them reasonably dry during their summer dormant period. Divide bulbs from mid-summer to early autumn.
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Total: £19.58

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