20% off

<i>Crocosmia masoniorum</i>

20% off

<i>Crocosmia masoniorum</i>

20% off

<i>Crocosmia masoniorum</i>
<i>Crocosmia masoniorum</i>
<i>Crocosmia masoniorum</i>
<i>Crocosmia masoniorum</i>

Crocosmia masoniorum

montbretia bulbs

Funnel-shaped, bright orange-red flowers are borne on arching stems from midsummer and seem to hover just above the pleated, bright green...

10 × corms
£4.79 £5.99
shipped within 2 weeks
30 × corms
£12.00 £15.00
shipped within 2 weeks
Delivery options

Bulbs (only) £4.99

Simple but stylish protection

If rabbits, deer, squirrels or cats devour or scratch up your plants these wire mesh protectors will give them time to get established. The pyramid-shaped 'Rabbit Proof Cloche' and dome-shaped 'Squirrel Proof Cloche'

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