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Tips for your tulips

The most useful garden tulips arrive in the second half of April or in May, after most of the daffodils have flowered. For this reason it’s a good idea not to mix the two because by the time your tulips flower, the daffodils will be passed their best. Tulips make a huge difference to any garden because most gardens are burgeoning with new foliage by late-spring but have very few flowers. Tulips plug that gap better than any other plant.

A potful of tulips is a glorious addition because it allows you to put lots of bulbs together by layering them up in a lasagne style arrangement. Once planted, using John Innes Compost if you can, place the pot somewhere cool and dry so that the bulbs do not get deluged. If they do they can rot. Or you can add your tulips to a border. You can either opt for a single variety, which can look minimalist and elegant, or you can mix and blend. Restrict your choices, otherwise your garden may look like a multi-coloured trifle.

The core of any mixed arrangement should be Triumph tulips, because these highly-bred tulips have sturdy stems, thick petals and come in vibrant colours. These flower in the second half of April, so by adding some May-flowering Tulips ( such as the lily-flowered, single, double late, or fringed types) to the mix, you can have a pot that will last for four weeks. Trim away the faded flowers as they finish.

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