Be adventurous with new Narcissus, plus which ones are the best scented

It’s far too easy to keep ordering the same old thing, but it’s really worth experimenting because new bulbs are being released all the time, whilst some of the tried and tested are beginning to break down. The best way to try something new is to grow ten or so in a suitable pot. This will give you the chance to assess foliage and flower and, if you like them, they can then get put into the garden.

A new daffodil called ‘Tete Rosette’, is a Crocus exclusive. It’s a double form of ‘Tête-à-Tête’, the world-famous miniature daffodil. ‘Tete Rosette’ has an inner cup full of ruffled petals surrounded by a slightly reflexed collar, giving it a windswept quality. ‘Toto’, another new arrival, is a miniature multi-headed white with a trumpet that fades from yellow to white, so this will look almost translucent in spring sunshine. ‘Cornish Gold’ is taller, a foot at least, with traditional yellow flowers that appear very early. Or try the classic Irish-bred (in 1956) fully double frilly yellow ‘Tahiti’, ribboned in vivid-orange. It’s not new, but not grown nearly often enough. They all show how versatile the daffodil is, from country waif to elegant sophisticate.

Scented Narcissus

Scented varieties are highly popular whether in vase or the garden. Most scented narcissi tend to flower in April and they have Jonquil blood. The Award winning fragrant multi-headed collection contains three rosette flowered forms. ‘Bridal Crown’ is cream with a hint of orange in the yellow middle, ‘Yellow Cheerfulness’ is a delicate yellow and ‘Winston Churchill’ is a cream with a marmalade twist. Or you could go for the Sweetly scented collection containing amongst others, a very miniature species with pale outers and deep-yellow cup. Narcissus 'Canaliculatus' looks stylish grown in a simple terracotta pot, or at the front of the border. 'Silver Chimes' is a milk-white narcissi with a pale-lemon trumpet and ‘Curlew’, which flowers in late-April after the others, is a cream-white with a pale trumpet that ages to almost white. They’re all good in pots, or in a cutting garden.

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