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Border phlox

Border phlox provide a meadowsweet scent in July and August. Forms of Phlox paniculata pack the best fragrance and their flowers come in pink, white, lilac and shades of red, often supported by good, green foliage. Clean whites often have fresh-green foliage and 'Rembrandt' has triangular heads of white flowers with a hint of cool-green to the flowers. 'Mount Fuji', always the last to flower, has tight heads of smaller flowers. The parma- violet 'Franz Schubert' looks and smells sensational in the evening and this is a strong, easy-to-grow variety from Alan Bloom.

Some phlox have colourful eyes and these include the highly-fragrant 'Bright Eyes', a pale-pink with a crimson eye. Karl Foerster bred a lot of fine phlox in Germany. His 'Kirmesländler' is a white with a suffused pink-red eye. He also produced the purple-pink 'Kirchenfürst', literally meaning Prince of the Church, because the colour is just like the clerical shirts worn by Bishops. Some phlox display black-toned foliage before they flower and the almost-red 'Starfire' is worth growing for foliage alone. It's a stunner.

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