Crocus combinations - Shady lady plant combination

Crocus combinations

Shady lady plant combination

The big glossy leaves of the fatsia look tropical and exotic and stay on the plant all through the year. This is underplanted with the male fern with its feathery fronds forming a distinctive shuttlecock shape, the graceful solomon's seal and the loose hummocks of white flowering bloody cranesbill to make a stunning display.

Planting tips: Although the fatsias are fully hardy, they should be protected from cold winter winds. In midsummer you can rejuvenate the geraniums that are beginning to look jaded by removing old flowered stems and leaves. The Polygonatums can be cut down to the ground in autumn. Lift and divide large colonies of these and the geraniums in early spring. Apply a mulch of well-rotted leafmould or garden compost to the base of all the plants in spring.

You will need a shady border measuring 4m x 4m.
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