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Crocus combinations - Saxifraga stolonifera & hanging pot combination

Crocus combinations

Saxifraga stolonifera & hanging pot combination

  • Position: ideally bright, indirect light
  • Soil: peat-free general-purpose potting compost
  • Rate of growth: fast
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current trailing length: approximately 30cm (+ or - 10% including the pot)

  • Home care: The 'mother' plant forms a rosette of attractively veined leaves, each of which has a reddish-plum reverse, and as it grows it sends out slender stems, which are studded with lots of 'baby' plants along their length. Commonly called mother of thousands (amongst many other things). Saxifraga stolonifera is primarily grown for its colourful foliage, however an added bonus is the clusters of small cream flowers it produces in summer.

  • Home care:
    To display, drop some pebbles in the base of the brass pot and rest the plastic pot on top to lift it level. Keep well watered during the warmer months, but try to avoid leaving water droplets on the foliage. In winter, don't water as often, allowing the compost to become drier. Avoid placing in areas of high humidity, and repot in spring.
  • Buy all 2 items for the combination Saxifraga stolonifera & hanging pot combination combination

    Subtotal: £49.98

    Promotions: -£4.00

    Total: £45.98

    Availability: In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)

    Items included (click on thumbnail for more info)

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