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Crocus combinations - Purple & gold plant combination

Crocus combinations

Purple & gold plant combination

The rich purple and gold tones of this border really create a stunning contrast. The main period of interest will be from mid summer, when the lofty Verbena bursts into colour. It wont take long however before it is joined by the others, and the display will carry on well into the autumn.
Planting tips: Stake all the taller plants in spring using brushwood or twiggy pea sticks. In the autumn, apply a deep, dry winter mulch around the crown of the plants and lift and divide congested clumps in spring. The Lavender can be cut back after the flowers have faded.
You will need a corner bed measuring 2m x 2m.
Buy all 16 items for the combination Purple & gold plant combination combination

Total: £118.24

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