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Crocus combinations - Pinks & purples plant combination

Crocus combinations

Pinks & purples plant combination

    This is a great combination if you want a procession of colour and interest over a long period. The sweetly scented flowers of the daphne kick off the season in early spring, and this is closely followed by the lamprocapnos, with its arching sprays of heart-shaped blooms. The foxgloves start to lift their towering spires in late spring, and by midsummer the clematis will be producing rich purple blooms. Finally, the season comes to a close in autumn, when the low, violet-mauve wands of the liriope start to emerge.

    Planting tips: In early spring cut back the previous year's stems of the clematis to a pair of strong buds about 15-20cm (6-8in) above ground-level, and let it scramble up onto a supporting trellis as it grows. The main flowerspike of the digitalis can be cut back when the last flowers are fading, and this may encourage more (smaller) spikes to come. You should also lift and divide large clumps of the liriope in late autumn or early spring.

    You will need a lightly shaded corner bed measuring 2m x 2m. The plants will also tolerate full sun if they have some protection during the hottest part of the day.
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Total: £86.91

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