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Crocus combinations - Musa acuminata - banana & pot cover combination

Crocus combinations

Musa acuminata - banana & pot cover combination

  • Position: bright, indorect light
  • Soil: loam-based potting compost (John Innes No.3)
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: tender (will need winter protection)
  • Current height: approximately 15cm (+ or - 10% including the pot)
  • Pot cover: comes with 7cm Brussels round mini pot cover white

The decorative foliage of this plant makes it a great addition to the home, conservatory, or summer terrace, and in time, it will form a tall and graceful evergreen, with giant, paddle-shaped leaves. In ideal conditions, you may even see pendent clusters of tubular flowers, which may go on to produce edible bananas!

  • Garden care:
    During the growing season water regularly and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each month. Water sparingly in winter and top dress each spring. As the old leaves become shredded, trim them off. The plants should be potted into a larger pot in autumn and may be left outside from May to September (provided there is no risk of frost). They need winter protection and can be kept in a greenhouse or conservatory from October through to April.
  • Buy all 2 items for the combination Musa acuminata - banana & pot cover combination combination

    Subtotal: £10.88

    Promotions: -£1.80

    Total: £9.08

    Availability: In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)

    Items included (click on thumbnail for more info)

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