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Crocus combinations - Cool water tulip and pot combination

Crocus combinations

Cool water tulip and pot combination

  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: fertile, well-drained soil
  • Flowering period: March to May
  • Hardiness: fully hardy

    Add a touch of class to your spring borders and cut flower vases with these elegant, ivory white and subtle lemon-throated tulips.

    In each collection you will receive bulbs of each of the following cultivars:

    10 × Tulipa 'Johan Cruijff':Grows to 50cm.

    10 × Tulipa 'Daytona': Seen to the left of the image, this cool white tulip with fringed and gently ruffled petals, adds a playful charm and textural interest to this grouping. Grows to 50cm tall.

    10 × Tulipa 'Happy People': Golden yellow petals that fade with age, each with a wide brushstroke of white around the outer edge, form classic, cup-shaped flowers in late spring. It makes a handsome contrast to blues and purples, and looks fantastic with forget me nots. Grows to 45cm.

  • Garden care: From August to November plant the bulbs 10-15cm deep and 10-15cm apart in a sunny spot with fertile, well-drained soil. While actively growing, keep them moderately well watered and remove the flowers after they have faded. At that stage a balanced liquid fertiliser can be applied each week for 4 weeks before they die down.
Buy all 4 items for the combination Cool water tulip and pot combination combination

Total: £97.96

Availability: Delivered September onwards

Items included (click on thumbnail for more info)

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