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Crocus combinations - Cactus collection & bowl combination

Crocus combinations

Cactus collection & bowl combination

  • Position: bright but indirect light
  • Soil: specialist cacti compost
  • Rate of growth: slow
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 7cm (including pot)

    This set of 6 mixed (unnamed) cacti makes a great starter collection, and will look fab potted up in this large bowl planter on a bright windowsill. They are incredibly easy to look after, so make a great option for the first-time house plant gardener.

    The brass bowl is a blank canvas ready for you to create your own indoor masterpiece. Layer it with soil and polished pebbles and dot it with cacti to create a mini desert landscape - the gleaming sides providing the sunshine.

  • Home care: Place in a bright spot and in spring and summer, water when the compost gets dry, but make sure they never sit in excess water for any length of time. In autumn cut back on the water and keep them almost dry throughout the winter - watering only if they start to look a bit shrivelled. Avoid a humid atmosphere (no bathrooms or steamy kitchens) and in the warmer months, open a window or door occasionally so they can enjoy the fresh air. Repot every year or two into slightly larger pots using cacti compost. You will find it easier to tackle if you concertina a sheet of newspaper and then fold this around the spines, leaving a 'tail' that you can use to lift the plants out of one pot and into another. Otherwise invest in some thorn-proof gloves!

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Total: £39.99

Availability: Unavailable Please note some items are unavailable

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