


Squirrels, though lovely to watch, are a real nusiance. They dig up and eat bulbs, especially crocus and tulips, eat flower buds and shoot tips, steal nuts and strawberries, strip the bark from trees and eat food put out for the birds.


Squirrels are energetic animals and not easy to deter in the garden. Most deterrents aren't that effective or long lasting. A ferious smelling chemical called Renardine is probably the best one. Soak small bits of cloth in it and then wrap them around sticks placed in the garden. You will need to replace them after heavy rain to keep them away. Netting over plants, such as magnolias, will give some protection when squirrels are eating the buds and shoots. Permanent structures, such as fruit cages, are better made from wire as squirrels will bite through plastic. Netting can also be placed over areas where bulb and corms are planted to stop them digging in that area.

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