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Quick growing
Ground cover
Showing Soil type : Acid How much sun : Sun Flower colour : Yellow clear all
135 items
Allium moly

Allium moly

£6.99 - £13.98
50 × bulbs In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
100 + 50 FREE bulbs In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Fritillaria imperialis Lutea

Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea'

£9.99 - £25.00
1 × bulb In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
3 × bulbs In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Fritillaria raddeana

Fritillaria raddeana

£11.79 - £29.50
1 × bulb In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
3 × bulbs In stock (shipped within 1-2 working days)
Calendula officinalis Snow Princess

Calendula officinalis 'Snow Princess'

approx 100 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Limnanthes douglasii

Limnanthes douglasii

approx 125 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Luffa cylindrica

loofah gourd - grow your own sponges

approx 10 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
melon Charentais

melon 'Charentais'

approx 8 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Viola × wittrockiana Frizzle Sizzle Yellow Blue Swirl (Frizzle Sizzle Series)

pansy 'Frizzle Sizzle Yellow Blue Swirl' (Frizzle Sizzle Series)

£3.29 - £29.99
approx 25 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
40 + 20 FREE seedlings In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot available to order from autumn
2 + 1 FREE 9cm pots available to order from autumn
Primula veris

Primula veris

£2.99 - £36.00
approx 50 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
pumpkin Marina di Chioggia

pumpkin 'Marina di Chioggia'

approx 9 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Tagetes tenuifolia Golden Gem

Tagetes tenuifolia 'Golden Gem'

approx 225 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Tropaeolum majus Climbing Mixed

Tropaeolum majus 'Climbing Mixed'

approx 40 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Acacia parvissima Lemon Twist

20% off

Acacia parvissima 'Lemon Twist'

£27.99 £22.39
3 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Achillea Credo

20% off selected

Achillea 'Credo'

£6.39 - £23.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Achillea Moonshine

20% off selected

Achillea 'Moonshine'

£6.39 - £35.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Achillea filipendulina Cloth of Gold

20% off selected

Achillea filipendulina 'Cloth of Gold'

£6.39 - £28.80
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Alchemilla erythropoda

Alchemilla erythropoda

£6.99 - £33.00
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Alchemilla mollis

20% off selected

Alchemilla mollis

£2.29 - £75.79
approx 75 seeds In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
25 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Anthemis tinctoria E.C. Buxton

Anthemis tinctoria 'E.C. Buxton'

£8.99 - £39.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Artemisia ludoviciana Silver Queen

20% off selected

Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver Queen'

£7.99 - £39.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Asphodeline liburnica


20% off selected

Asphodeline liburnica

£10.39 - £28.80
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket (PBR)

20% off

Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket' (PBR)

£19.99 - £43.99
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Berberis thunbergii Tiny Gold (PBR)

20% off

Berberis thunbergii 'Tiny Gold' (PBR)

£22.99 £18.39
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea Harlequin

20% off

Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea 'Harlequin'

£25.99 £20.79
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Berberis thunbergii Starburst ('Yanbur') (PBR)

20% off

Berberis thunbergii Starburst ('Yanbur') (PBR)

£19.99 £15.99
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam

20% off selected

Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'

£6.39 - £23.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Cytisus × praecox Allgold

20% off

Cytisus × praecox 'Allgold'

£18.99 £15.19
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Deschampsia cespitosa Goldtau

20% off selected

Deschampsia cespitosa 'Goldtau'

£8.99 - £39.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Dietes bicolor


Dietes bicolor

2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii

20% off selected

Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii

£7.99 - £43.83
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot available to order from autumn
5 × 2 litre pots available to order from autumn
Euphorbia epithymoides

20% off selected

Euphorbia epithymoides

£7.19 - £19.20
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Euphorbia palustris

20% off selected

Euphorbia palustris

£6.39 - £35.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Forsythia × intermedia Goldrausch

20% off

Forsythia × intermedia 'Goldrausch'

£19.99 - £55.99
12 litre pot | 80 - 100cm tall In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 litre pot sold out
Forsythia × intermedia Lynwood Variety

20% off

Forsythia × intermedia 'Lynwood Variety'

£22.99 £18.39
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Forsythia × intermedia Mikador ('Minfor6') (PBR)

20% off

Forsythia × intermedia Mikador ('Minfor6') (PBR)

£18.39 - £75.99
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
12 litre pot | 50 - 60cm tall In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
10 litre pot | 0.8 - 1m tall In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Geum Lady Stratheden

20% off selected

Geum 'Lady Stratheden'

£7.19 - £31.99
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot available to order from autumn
3 × 9cm pots available to order from autumn
6 × 9cm pots available to order from autumn
Hamamelis × intermedia Arnold Promise

20% off

Hamamelis × intermedia 'Arnold Promise'

£42.39 - £103.99
3 litre pot | 30 - 40cm In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
10 litre pot | 60 - 100cm available to order from autumn
Hamamelis × intermedia Pallida

20% off

Hamamelis × intermedia 'Pallida'

£43.99 - £111.99
3 litre pot | 30 - 40cm tall In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
10 litre pot | 60 - 100cm tall | grafted In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Helenium The Bishop

20% off selected

Helenium 'The Bishop'

£6.39 - £39.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Helenium autumnale Fuego (PBR) (Mariachi Series)

20% off selected

Helenium autumnale 'Fuego' (PBR) (Mariachi Series)

£7.99 - £21.60
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus

Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus

£8.99 - £44.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot sold out
Hypericum × inodorum Magical White ('Kolmawhi') (PBR) (Magical Series)

20% off

Hypericum × inodorum Magical White ('Komuni') (PBR)

£20.99 £16.79
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Hypericum × moserianum Tricolor

20% off

Hypericum × moserianum 'Tricolor'

£17.99 £14.39
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Iris Champagne Elegance

Iris 'Champagne Elegance'

£5.99 - £15.00
1 × rhizome In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × rhizomes In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Jasminum nudiflorum

Jasminum nudiflorum

£27.99 - £89.99
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
12 litre pot | 1.2 - 1.5m tall available to order from autumn
Kerria japonica Golden Guinea

20% off

Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea'

£24.99 £19.99
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Kniphofia Bees Lemon

20% off selected

Kniphofia 'Bees Lemon'

£7.99 - £43.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Kniphofia Royal Standard

20% off selected

Kniphofia 'Royal Standard'

£11.99 - £39.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Kniphofia rufa Rasta (PBR)

20% off selected

Kniphofia rufa 'Rasta' (PBR)

£10.39 - £26.40
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Laurus nobilis

20% off

Laurus nobilis

£95.99 - £259.99
20cm pot | 80cm tall In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
30cm pot | 1.2m tall In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 × 30cm pot | 1.2m tall In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Leucanthemum × superbum Freak! ('Leuz0001') (PBR)

20% off selected

Leucanthemum × superbum Freak! ('Leuz0001') (PBR)

£7.19 - £35.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot sold out
Ligularia The Rocket

20% off selected

Ligularia 'The Rocket'

£7.99 - £19.20
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Lonicera caprifolium

Lonicera caprifolium

£27.99 £19.99
2 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Lonicera japonica Cream Cascade

Lonicera japonica 'Cream Cascade'

3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Lonicera japonica Halliana

Lonicera japonica 'Halliana'

£14.99 - £24.79
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from autumn
Lonicera japonica Horwood Gem

Lonicera japonica 'Horwood Gem'

3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Lonicera japonica Mint Crisp (PBR)

Lonicera japonica 'Mint Crisp' (PBR)

3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Lonicera periclymenum Graham Thomas

Lonicera periclymenum 'Graham Thomas'

£14.99 - £24.79
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from autumn
Lonicera periclymenum Serotina

Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina'

£14.99 - £27.99
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
9cm pot | 30cm cane available to order from autumn
Lupinus Chandelier (Band of Nobles Series)

Lupinus 'Chandelier' (Band of Nobles Series)

£7.99 - £19.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Mahonia eurybracteata subsp. ganpinensis Soft Caress

20% off

Mahonia nitens Cabaret (PBR)

20% off

Mahonia nitens 'Cabaret' (PBR)

£34.99 £27.99
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Mahonia × media Charity

20% off

Mahonia × media 'Charity'

£29.99 £23.99
3 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Mahonia × media Winter Sun

20% off

Mahonia × media 'Winter Sun'

£27.99 - £71.99
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
12 litre pot | 50 -80cm tall available to order from autumn
Phlomis russeliana

Phlomis russeliana

£8.99 - £39.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Potentilla fruticosa Primrose Beauty

20% off

Potentilla fruticosa 'Primrose Beauty'

£19.19 - £43.99
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Potentilla fruticosa Bella Lindsey ('Hendlin') (PBR)

20% off

Potentilla fruticosa Bella Lindsey ('Hendlin') (PBR)

£22.99 £18.39
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Rudbeckia fulgida Little Goldstar (PBR)

20% off selected

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Little Goldstar' (PBR)

£7.19 - £35.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot sold out
Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii

20% off selected

Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii

£6.39 - £28.00
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
6 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii Goldsturm

20% off selected

Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'

£6.39 - £35.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Rudbeckia laciniata Herbstsonne

20% off selected

Rudbeckia laciniata 'Herbstsonne'

£7.19 - £15.83
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Rudbeckia subtomentosa Henry Eilers

20% off selected

Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers'

£7.99 - £21.60
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Sophora Sun King ('Hilsop') (PBR)

20% off

Sophora Sun King ('Hilsop') (PBR)

£46.99 £37.59
3 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Trachelospermum asiaticum

Trachelospermum asiaticum

3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star of Toscana ('Selbra') (PBR)

20% off selected

Trachelospermum jasminoides Star of Toscana ('Selbra') (PBR)

£30.39 - £79.99
3 litre pot | 60cm cane In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
7 litre pot | 0.9 - 1m tall available to order from autumn
Trillium luteum

Trillium luteum

£9.99 - £27.00
1 × rhizome In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × rhizomes In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Trollius chinensis Golden Queen

Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen'

£8.99 - £42.99
9cm pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
2 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 9cm pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Weigela middendorffiana Mango

20% off

Weigela middendorffiana 'Mango'

£29.99 £23.99
3 litre pot In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Allium convallarioides yellow-flowered

Allium convallarioides 'yellow-flowered'

£9.99 - £28.00
10 × bulbs shipped within 2 weeks
30 × bulbs shipped within 2 weeks
Aquilegia chrysantha Yellow Queen

Aquilegia chrysantha 'Yellow Queen'

£8.99 - £39.99
9cm pot shipped within 2 weeks
3 × 9cm pots shipped within 2 weeks
6 × 9cm pots shipped within 2 weeks
Eremurus stenophyllus

Eremurus stenophyllus

£7.99 - £15.98
1 × tuber shipped within 3 weeks
2 + 1 FREE tubers shipped within 3 weeks
Forsythia × intermedia Lynwood Variety

20% off

Forsythia 'Lynwood Variety' - Flowering hedging

£50.97 £40.78
3 × 2 litre pots In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
Rosa Arthur Bell

20% off

Rosa 'Arthur Bell'

£19.99 - £21.59
bare root plant Delivered mid-late November onwards
4 litre pot Delivered mid-late November onwards
Rosa Maigold

Rosa 'Maigold'

£27.99 - £36.99
bare root plant Delivered mid-late November onwards
4 litre pot Delivered mid-late November onwards
Caltha palustris

Caltha palustris

£22.99 - £39.99
1 litre aquatic pot available to order from spring 2025
3 × 9cm pots available to order from spring 2025
3 litre aquatic pot available to order from spring 2025
3 × 1 litre aquatic pots available to order from spring 2025
5 litre aquatic pot available to order from spring 2025
Hemerocallis Stella Citron (PBR)


Hemerocallis 'Stella Citron' (PBR)

9cm pot available to order from spring 2025
Acacia dealbata

Acacia dealbata

£23.99 - £69.99
2 litre pot | bush available to order from autumn
9 litre pot | 1.2 - 1.5m tall available to order from autumn
Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) Sunshine

Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) 'Sunshine'

£21.99 £17.59
2 litre pot available to order from autumn
Buddleja × weyeriana Sungold

Buddleja × weyriana 'Sungold'

£24.99 £19.99
2 litre pot available to order from autumn
Echinacea Harvest Moon (PBR) (Big Sky Series)

Echinacea 'Harvest Moon' (PBR) (Big Sky Series)

£10.39 - £26.40
9cm pot available to order from autumn
3 × 9cm pots available to order from autumn
Euphorbia wallichii

Euphorbia wallichii

£7.99 - £19.20
9cm pot available to order from autumn
3 × 9cm pots available to order from autumn
Genista lydia

Genista lydia

£18.39 - £39.99
2 litre pot available to order from autumn
3 × 2 litre pots available to order from autumn
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