Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic'
When they first emerge in late spring, the large, heart-shaped leaves of this tender perennial are green, however as they mature they...
How to create a wildlife-friendly garden
Wildlife-friendly gardens are not only more interesting as you can watch all the comings and goings, but they are often more productive as many creatures will help increase pollination. Garden ponds act as a magnet to dragonflies and damsel flies, along w
Read full articleHow to make a garden pond

A garden pond can transform the atmosphere of a garden, adding colour, light and movement. If you include a pond pump [link] then you can enjoy the soothing sound of moving water too. In a small garden an area of open water can actually increase the sense
Read full articleJune Week 1
If you do nothing else...water new plants. Make sure new additions do not suffer during dry spells. Plant up summer containers bedding once the threat of frosts has passed. Feed container plants about six weeks after planting. If it’s a nice day...trim he
Read full articlePlant up your pond
Choose a sunny warm day to make the job more pleasant. Use a special aquatic basket with lattice-work sides to plant both marginals for the shallows around the edge of the pond and for deep-water plants such as waterlilies. It is also important to use
Read full articleAdding plants to your pond
Most pond plants are easy to grow and require little maintenance other than the occasional tidy up to remove tired-looking foliage or fading flowerheads, but for a pond to be relatively easy to look after you have to choose varieties that suit the size of
Read full articleSimple but stylish protection
If rabbits, deer, squirrels or cats devour or scratch up your plants these wire mesh protectors will give them time to get established. The pyramid-shaped 'Rabbit Proof Cloche' and dome-shaped 'Squirrel Proof Cloche'
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